Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Postmodern Communication

Driving home from my dad’s doctor appointment. My cell phone rings.

Me: Hello
Dad: (Pointing to McDonald’s) You want to go there and get a sandwich?
Goddess: (on the cell phone) Are you on your way to work?
Me: (to Goddess) No, we’re on the way home from the doctor.
Dad: It’s right over there (pointing two lanes over)
Me: (to Dad) Yeah, but I was going to go another way.
Goddess: What?
Me: (to Goddess) I was trying to do two things at once.
Goddess: Oh, Papa was talking?
Me: (to Goddess) Yeah, he wanted to go to McDonald’s.
Goddess: Oh, he wants you to stop there?
Me: Yeah, because he hasn’t eaten yet, you know.
Goddess: Oh yeah.
Me: (to Goddess) Is there a McDonald’s on 79?
Dad: Huh?
Goddess: What?
Me: (to Goddess) Is there a McDonald’s on 79?
Goddess: Hell, I don’t know.

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