Friday, January 26, 2007

Kosher Porn

An Israeli porn DVD, "Assraelis", has caught the eye of a rabbi in New Jersey. The rabbi has threatened a lawsuit against the producer, Oren Cohen and Tight Fit, because the DVD cover has the logo used on food products denoting it as kosher. Imagine that, kosher porn!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The State of the Union Pageant

Let's face it. The State of the Union speech really looks more like an annual pageant. The words and topics of the speech have only symbolic meaning, not real meaning. How many times has the State of the Union speech reflected what really happens later in the year. The ritual of the President's entrance, the obligatory standing ovation, the seating of the Cabinet, the nod from the First Lady, blah, blah, blah, just prove that what we see has little meaning beyond the symbolic. The pageant serves more as a secular rite than a real speech. Don't expect much of substance tonight.

Imagine a wedding. All the parties have a role and even a place to stand. The two families sit on different sides of the central aisle. The mothers of the two betrothed have special places to sit. The bride enters to an anthem, the father of the bride performs a short ritual speech, the couple recite fairly standard phrases, and holy man blesses the union, then the couple exits to an anthem. Sounds a lot like the State of the Union doesn't it? How do a wedding and the State of the Union differ? Well, for one thing, a wedding ritualizes the couple's love for one another. Whereas, the State of the Union just congratulates the powerful.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

3 Year Haiku

I want to break toys
Frustate no more in pieces
Don't let me do it

It's All Right

Here comes the sun, I say, it's all right. The sun shines today for the first time in about 10 days. That may not seem like very long to some, but here in Texas 10 without sun takes a toll. It just makes you feel better to start with.

On another note, we have to take our dogs to the vet tomorrow. It doesn't look good for either one of them. The oldest one is fading fast, and the young one has stopped eating (or at least almost) which isn't at all like her. Hoping for the best.