Isn't That Touching?
I guess it can happen to anyone - vegetarianism that is. Armin Meiwes has become a vegetarian. You remember him...he's the guy that got convicted of murder and cannibalism in Germany. He advertised on the web for someone to kill and eat, and he got a response! Willing victim. Sorta like beef is to the rest of us, but probably not willing.
He has reformed so much that he has become the Green Party representative in the prison. They say he speaks and writes well, so he has gained a leadership position in the party. Political parties in prison? What? Only in Germany!
I guess it can happen to anyone - vegetarianism that is. Armin Meiwes has become a vegetarian. You remember him...he's the guy that got convicted of murder and cannibalism in Germany. He advertised on the web for someone to kill and eat, and he got a response! Willing victim. Sorta like beef is to the rest of us, but probably not willing.
He has reformed so much that he has become the Green Party representative in the prison. They say he speaks and writes well, so he has gained a leadership position in the party. Political parties in prison? What? Only in Germany!
Photo: AFP