88 Year-Old Shoplifter
My elderly father has had a cough for the past several days. He had tried some cough drops, but they didn't help much. He asked me what I thought he should do, and I told him to get come cough syrup. He and my mother went up to CVS and asked the pharmacist which cough syrup would work the best. She showed him a product and he went back out to the car and waited for my mother.
After they got home and he had taken some, he realized that he had never paid for the cough syrup. He told my mother that the lady had given it to him. My mother assured him that the lady had merely handed it to him, not given it to him. He said he knew they had him on video just walking out of the store, and he didn't want the police coming to the door in the middle of the night. So, we just drove back up there and paid for the cough syrup.
We live in Williamson County where no one goes easy on criminals. I'm surprised they didn't chase him out of the store, tackle him, and wrestle the stuff out of his hands! At least we've kept him out of Guantanamo for now.