Thursday, July 13, 2006

No, the Traffic Is Not Moving

Before I left for work this morning, the Goddess called to tell me that she had heard on the radio that there was a major accident on I-35. She said it involved a gasoline spill. I later learned that it involved 7 (yes, seven) 18-wheelers and 3 cars. (I suppose that would be 129 wheels) I decided to take another route which is usually too slow, but I figured it might be better than the Interstate today.

Bad idea! I wound up driving in just as much traffic while trying to avoid the traffic. It's sort of one of those Oedipus Rex things. The more you try to avoid the problem, the more you bring it on. It took me over an hour and a half to get here today. That's 90 minutes to go about 30 km. What is that...about 3 or 3.5 km per hour? That last half of it was at about 110 km per hour, because once I got by the bottleneck, it was clear sailing.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How Many Can You Knock Down?

The Zidane vs. Materazzi knock down a la World Wrestling Entertainment is now a computer game! Yes, you get to see how many Materazzis you can take out, and get red-carded. I tried it myself, and I took down about 8 or 10. I wasn't really counting, because it was so much fun. Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
It's About Fucking Time!

A Defense Department memo signed by Gordon England, the number 2 man at the DOD, states that even "enemy combatants" are covered by the Geneva Convention. This whole thing is in response to the Supreme Court's ruling saying that military tribunals, as done by the Bush Administration, violate the Constitution and the Geneva Convention.

One rhetorical questions: If you violate the Geneva Convention, doesn't that make you a war criminal?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Don't Say You Haven't Wanted to Do This Too

Let's just re-live the moment...Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
The Ultimate in Self-Centeredness

That's what some people consider suicide to be. A person who would do that has no thought for others and how they may be affected. That's at least one way to look at it. Anyway, it looks like the building collapse in NYC today may have been a botched suicide attempt. I say botched because evidently the suicider was taken to a hospital with severe burns. If you're gonna take the whole building with you, you'd better make sure you die in the process. i have a feeling this guy is gonna wish even more that he hadn't survived.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is That What Oxymoron Means?

The first style show in decades took place in Kabul, Afghanistan. The models were all foreign, but they all wore hijabs (at the least). There was even a part dedicated to burqas. Yes, burqas. If you're going to model burqas, do you even have to be good-looking? For that matter, do you even have to be a woman?