Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Texas Fight, Texas Fight...

It turns out that the woman in charge of Saddam's chemical and biological weapons program, Houda Salih Mahdi Ammash, attended the University of Texas back in the '70s. US General Tommy Franks, who is in charge of the whole Operation Iraqi Freedom, is also a UT graduate. We're No. 1!
Americans Are from Mars, Europeans Are from Venus

Americans are like adolescents infatuated with their power and unilateral, while Europeans are more subtle, indirect, and multilateral. At least that's the way Robert Kagan sees it. Interesting way to look at the latest dispute. W as the hyperactive, prideful teenager, and Chirac as the smarter more nuanced adult. Let's bring in a marriage counselor!

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Just Who's In Charge Here?

Who wrote this play in which we have to laugh, cry, and exit according to the script? No
god can write it, nor can Buddha. Only your own mind can write it.

-Jae Woong, "Polishing the Diamond"

Monday, March 31, 2003

They Got the Idea from Geraldo

It has come to light that the government owned radio station in Swaziland has been airing reports from a special "envoy" named, Phesheya Dube, in Iraq. The on air personalities have been admonishing him to stay safe and out of the way of bombs. Only one problem, there is no Swazi correspondent in Iraq. It's all theater! Makes ya wonder about ours, huh? Maybe all those fuzzy looking pictures on the videophone are really coming from the desert in New Mexico.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Vacation Time

Since I work for the government, I earn lots of vacation time. It's supposed to make up for the low salaries they pay us. Anyway, I'm taking this week off from work. After I do that, I'll only have 5 1/2 weeks of vacation left available. Since, I'll be off, I'll have lots of free time, so I should be posting a lot. No money to go on trips, but a whole lot of time!