Oh Those Crazy Floridians
Remember Mark Foley? The Republican Congressman who had to resign because he had some inappropriate conversations, IMs, and who know what else with male pages in the House of Representatives? Yeah, that guy. Well, guess who took his place. A Democrat named Tim Mahoney won the seat while promising to return morals to Washington.
Sidebar comment: I think I'll only vote for those people promising to bring more immorality to Washington since no politician ever keeps their campaign promises and often winds up doing exactly the opposite. Now, back to the story.
He began an affair with a 50 year-old aide while having a wife and kid at home according to ABC News who got the information from present and former staff members. Mr. Mahoney himself called for an ethics investigation into the allegations. His staff says the investigation will vindicate him. Hmm...I always thought the word vindicated meant confirmation that you had done something correctly. Maybe he really meant exonerated. No, maybe he meant vindicated since he thinks having an affair with a staffer shows good judgment ;-)
One more Democrat with his dick in the wrong place, but, hey, at least it was in the opposite sex! Republican men tend to want sex with men or, even better, little boys. And these guys think they have what it takes to legislate our morals?! Give me a break!