1200 Calories in Snacks per Viewer
According to a study by the Council for the Control of Calories and the Snack Food Association of the US the average Super Bowl viewer will consume 1200 calories of snacks and hors d'ouvers during the game. That doesn't count the "regular food" that we'll eat, like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and God knows what else. No, the 1200 calories comes just from the chips and dips, pretzels, nuts a so forth. Hey, I'll do my part! I wonder if people eat more or less when the game gets close.
So many Super Bowls have turned into duds after the first quarter that I imagine lots of folks just head for the bar to get a few more beers. By the second half I've seen all the good new commercials, so unless we still have a close game, I go do something else. Funny that the biggest sports day of the year has become a debut night for the latest Madison Avenue productions. Yep, Capitalist Realism makes for more compelling TV viewing than the game itself. ¡Love Live the USA!