Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is He Dead Yet?

If he is, it would be of "natural" causes. The French newspaper L'Est Republicain reports today the French Intelligence, DGSE, had leaked a story that Osama Bin Laden has died from typhus. In a report dated September 21 the intelligence agency claimed that Bin Laden died in Pakistan. Pakistani authorities said they know nothing of the story. American authorities say that the report has not been confirmed. Jacques Chirac says that he is "surprised" by the story.

Well, I'm not. How many times is this guy gonna die?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Where I Spend Much of My Time

Sad but true. I'm getting old enough that I spend a lot of time at the urinal. I have actually spent a lot of time there for years, because of medication, but it's gettin' worse.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Whose Credibility?

The President, George W., said at the United Nations today that the "credibility of the United Nations is at stake" regarding Dafur. Uh...Whose credibility? Oh...okay...I forgot, he's already lost his.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Yes, there is an official Talk Like a Pirate Day with an official website. September 19th each year happens to be the day. Mark your calendars.
Nobody Told Us!

From the Austin American Statesman online:
Monday, September 18, 2006, 02:51 PM

The Texas state Capitol had been evacuated this afternoon after authorities received a threat that a bomb had been placed in an underground garage, DPS officials said.

Shortly after 3 p.m., authorities gave the all-clear, and allowed workers back inside the building.

We didn't get the word even though we are part of the "Capitol Complex." However, we did see the employees lounging around out by the Law Enforcement monument. The underground parking in question has its entrance directly in front of the building I work in. What's the deal? I want to get out of here like anyone else does.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Grand Mufti of Srebrenica Invites Pope

Now, this is an interesting take on things. Instead of killing Christians and burning churches like has happened in Palestine, the Grand Mufti of Srebrenica has invited Pope Benedict XVI to come and see the place where 8000 Muslims were slaughtered by Christians in 1995. No, that's not 1295, that's 1995, just 11 years ago. Point made!
Strike That Place from My Itinerary

Tribal leaders in Western India discovered about 1500 kgs of rice missing from a local school. They were unable to find out who was the thief, so they decided make all the men in the village undergo a proof test. Each one is supposed to pluck a ring out of a pot of boiling oil. The police arrested five of the tribal leaders, because they didn't have authority to order that kind of thing. Think the tribal leaders were the ones who did it?

Hmmm...that would be a pretty good trick wouldn't it? Steal the rice, and then order everyone else in the town to stick their hand in boiling oil to find out who did it. You'd have plenty of confessions that way.