Saturday, May 24, 2003

Now, That Sounds Like a Good Idea!

Looks like the Algerians have a unique way of petitioning the govenment. Maybe we Americans should adopt something like that.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Don't Touch Me! I Mean It!

Now you too can kick ass! Just buy this Electric Jacket. No, it's not a new execution device invented in Texas. It's for "self-defense." Sorta like our attack on Iraq was in self-defense.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

May All Sentient Beings Be Happy

Studies confirm that Buddhists really are happier that the rest of us. This has been verified by some brain scans that reveal more activity in the centers responsible for pleasant emotions. Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha...

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

One Already Got Thru to the President

The Canadian Agriculture Office has announced that Mad Cow Disease has been found in Canada in the province of Alberta. The US government has decided to stop importation of bovines from the province.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Have You Been Wondering About Jerry Hall's Life? I Haven't

I don't know what to call her, model maybe, groupie maybe, hanger-on...anyway, Mick Jagger's ex (that's her real claim to fame) is going to have a TV show on the BBC about what it's like to be a superstar. I wonder how she would know?