Friday, February 03, 2006
I Think They're Only Proving the Point
Some Danish cartoonist probably had no idea that such a storm would result from cartoons about Muhammed. But, oh, they have! In fact, some Muslims have become so angry about the cartoon depicting Muhammed as a terrorist that they have threatened to kidnap Europeans in Gaza City. Bomb threats have arrived at newspapers that re-printed the cartoons in Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and so on. Protesters in London are calling for the heads of the slanderers. Unfortunately, they are just proving the Danish guy right. What irony.

Don't Forget about Greenland

Sermitsaq, a newspaper in Greenland, has joined the fray in the Mohammed cartoons. Yes, Greenland. The paper's chief editor says that he doesn't expect a big outcry in Greenland, because there's only one (1) Muslim in the entire country. Wow, what a risk taker!

Sermitsaq, a newspaper in Greenland, has joined the fray in the Mohammed cartoons. Yes, Greenland. The paper's chief editor says that he doesn't expect a big outcry in Greenland, because there's only one (1) Muslim in the entire country. Wow, what a risk taker!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Denmark to Muslims, Make Your Own Porn!
"You boycott our cheese, and we'll cut off your Internet access to our 40 years of experience leading the world in hard core porn. Where are you gonna get your fake pussies now?" Whoa, this is getting down right mean! Doggy style, indeed.
"You boycott our cheese, and we'll cut off your Internet access to our 40 years of experience leading the world in hard core porn. Where are you gonna get your fake pussies now?" Whoa, this is getting down right mean! Doggy style, indeed.
Going Once, Going Twice

Glamour model Jordan is auctioning off her used silicon breast implants on ebay. She said, "Jag har haft dem i åtta år så det är dags för ett nytt par" (I've had them eight years so it is time for a new pair.) She says she wants the new ones to be a little smaller and firmer. Hmmm...I wonder what the starting price is. Whatever it is, it's too much.

Glamour model Jordan is auctioning off her used silicon breast implants on ebay. She said, "Jag har haft dem i åtta år så det är dags för ett nytt par" (I've had them eight years so it is time for a new pair.) She says she wants the new ones to be a little smaller and firmer. Hmmm...I wonder what the starting price is. Whatever it is, it's too much.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Bubba Likes It
Christine and Her Dogs
Bubba the dog that is. A dog food company in New Zealand, maker of Mighty Mix, has offered to contribute a specially developed food donation to the hungry in Kenya. They say that it's not dog food, but just what would it be? The Kenyan government says that it's hungry children are not so hungry that they would eat dog food. Easy for him to say, huh? Bureaucrat in Nairobi living in luxury. How would he know, anyway?
The newspaper that reported the "offer" also reported that Christine Drummond, the company owner, at first offered to send dog biscuits. Then, she changed her offer and wanted to send a special freeze-dried product that you just mix with water. Would it be better than eating the flies off of your face?

Bubba the dog that is. A dog food company in New Zealand, maker of Mighty Mix, has offered to contribute a specially developed food donation to the hungry in Kenya. They say that it's not dog food, but just what would it be? The Kenyan government says that it's hungry children are not so hungry that they would eat dog food. Easy for him to say, huh? Bureaucrat in Nairobi living in luxury. How would he know, anyway?

Uh, Oh, Busted!
The folks at dot.tk have decided that my blog falls outside the realms of decency, and they can no longer handle my Internet traffic. Get a load of this:
Gimme a break! Now, if I wanted to switch to a PAIDDOMAIN.TK it would all be okay. Yes, they'll still handle my traffic, if I'll just pay them to. No thanks.
The folks at dot.tk have decided that my blog falls outside the realms of decency, and they can no longer handle my Internet traffic. Get a load of this:
According to article 14.1 of the terms and conditions of FREEDOMAIN.TK domain names we are unable to accept this URL, because the contents might contain sexually explicit products or services, or promotion for racial, ethnic or social hatred. Please change the URL and try again.
Gimme a break! Now, if I wanted to switch to a PAIDDOMAIN.TK it would all be okay. Yes, they'll still handle my traffic, if I'll just pay them to. No thanks.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
A Portent of Things to Come?
Activists and lawyers against the War in Iraq will hold a mock trial in Cairo Saturday and Sunday (Super Sunday?) against George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and Ariel Sharon for war crimes. Ex-presidents from Algeria and Malaysia will attend, and former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa will preside over the trial.
This is troubling because we don't want George W to be upset while he's watching the Super Bowl and choke to death on a pretzel. Why not? Well, that would make The King of Darkness the President.
No, we don't want that.
Activists and lawyers against the War in Iraq will hold a mock trial in Cairo Saturday and Sunday (Super Sunday?) against George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and Ariel Sharon for war crimes. Ex-presidents from Algeria and Malaysia will attend, and former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa will preside over the trial.
This is troubling because we don't want George W to be upset while he's watching the Super Bowl and choke to death on a pretzel. Why not? Well, that would make The King of Darkness the President.

No, we don't want that.
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