Friday, March 02, 2007

Uups, Disculpe la Molestia

Pues, parece que el ejército suizo invadió la micronación de Liechtenstein por accidente. Una compañìa de 170 soldados se perdieron por la noche y marcharon más de una milla dentro de la pequeña nación. Después de poco se dieron cuenta de su equivocación y salieron de inmediato. Portaban armas de asalto pero sin balas. Sí sin balas. Pues, no hay daño ¿verdad? El gobierno de Lichtenstein dijo que no lo consideran nada alarmante. O, de paso, Liechtenstein no tiene ejército. ¿Por qué necesita ejército cuando tiene vecinos que invaden sin balas?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Texas Youth Commission

Oh, so now I know what that means! The Commission collects teen-aged boys from around the state, so that administrators of the facilities can fuck them whenever they want. After years of covering up for administrators and executives, the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) got its cover blown. Evidently, the Commission members have known about this abuse for quite some time, and have tried to keep it quiet. The Texas Senate has voted to put TYC under conservatorship.

Likewise, the Governor's office received a report from the Texas Rangers (no not the baseball team) detailing the problems back in September, but the Governor has done nothing about it. Well, he did something about it, but only after the report became public. Shit hits the fan in Texas, the state that so vehemently opposes gay marriage. Well, of course! The administrators don't want the marry the kids, they just want to fuck 'em.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

NYC Calls N-Word Out of Bounds

The New York City municipal government voted in a symbolic resolution today to ask New Yorkers to refrain from using the N-word. That request includes all residents, and does not exempt black citizens. No, they mean everybody. So, no more N-word in hip hop songs, comedy routines, street slang, or anywhere else for that matter. The NYC city council doesn't approve of its use by anyone, and feels it degrades and denigrating.