Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Sigh of Relief

The Pope gave a mass, and chose not to make any announcement about the abolition of Limbo (see previous post). So, for the time being, all those angels and whatever that watch over the denizens of Limbo still have a job. Many observers thought that the Pope would announce the closing of Limbo and the lay-off of all those angels during his mass.

The Italian Archbishop Bruno Forte said that the commission is still working on the last draft, and that it wouldn't be out until 2007. Whew! They won't be filing for Unemployment Insurance any time soon. Besides, what would we do for fun at parties without it?
Why Not, Indeed?

Kinky Friedman has gone international! Not only is he running for Governor of Texas (I'm voting for him by the way), he's getting press coverage in the Netherlands. He has some pretty weird position on things that I don't exactly agree with, but hell, don't they all? Besides, he's a fringe candidate, and I like that about him. I love the way his fringe jackets look ;-)

Kinky is my kind of Governor. He doesn't take things too seriously, and God knows we could use some of that around here. As far as I know, he's never sent an IM to a 16 year old page even though his name is Kinky. One of his bumper stickers says, "He Ain't Kinky, He's My Governor."

Friday, October 06, 2006

All Power to the Soviets!

Right, that's close to 100 years old, but something similar is happening in Oaxaca, Mexico. It has reached the point that many observers feel the end will be violence by the military, matched by violence from the people. The Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO) has grown to about 800,000 people who are manning barricades, making home-made bombs, and willing to fight. What do they want? They want the Governor of Oaxaca removed from office for abuse of authority. They just might get it, too! The have made the whole state of Oaxaca essentially ungovernable.

It all started with a teachers' strike which the Governor tried to break up with police. The authorities attacked the "plantón" which is an encampment on the zócalo (main plaza) in the center of Oaxaca. The result was several injuries and the beginning of the whole confrontation. Thia has gone on since June, 2006. The plantón still occupies the zócalo and the city is in the control of APPO. The Governor of Oaxaca and the President of Mexico have made gestures toward using military force against APPO, but so far haven't.

The Goddess and I have been to Oaxaca, Oaxaca (the capital city of the State of Oaxaca), and it's a beautiful and friendly place. It's a shame that the folks there had to resort to this, but I believe they are probably justified. Stay tuned, it's bound to be dramatic.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Silicone Breasts a Lifesaver

A 24 year old Bulgarian woman had a traffic accident at one of the major intersections in the city of Ruse. She ran a red light and crashed into another car. But, she survived because her breast implants acted as air bags. The problem is that she can't afford to buy a new car, or new breast implants. New breast implants? Yeah, the ones that saved her life blew up as they cushioned the impact.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mission Accomplished?

From El Universal website today in history:
1941.- Adolfo Hitler anuncia en la Segunda Guerra Mundial que la Unión Soviética ha sido derrotada por Alemania.

Great news for George w. He's not the first one to declare victory only to be defeated later. On this day in 1941 Adolph Hitler declared victory over the USSR. A mere 4 years later he killed himself rather than be taken prisoner by Soviet troops. Ironic?

Monday, October 02, 2006

But What About All Those Employees?

The Vatican has announced that it will discuss the possible "disappearance" of Limbo. Limbo is that place that babies go to when they die without having committed any sin. They go to Limbo because even though they haven't sinned themselves, they nonetheless have original sin. So, that state of being in limbo is about to be no more.

Since I work in unemployment, I'm worried about all those laid-off angels or whatever they are that are losing their jobs. I mean where's the compassion in that? The Cardinals are probably just saying that they're going to do away with it, because the Vatican doesn't want to be caught out-sourcing all that work to India. Think about it...would you want your loved one to be watched over by contract workers?
Volleyball Diplomacy

At the US - Mexico border in California, there's a 20 ft high fence. Some Americans happened upon the idea of using the fence as a volleyball net. They got going with a pick-up game of some guys on the Mexican side. Now, that's the thing to do with that wall Congress seems determined to build.