T-Ball Hero
If you've never had the pleasure to watch a T-Ball game, you should do it soon. Little kids (2, 3 or 4 years old) play T-Ball, a version of baseball, with great glee. They don't seem to care what happens, the just play. Since they haven't developed a very long attention span yet, they will become engrossed in kicking up dirt on the infield and let a ground ball just roll on by. Or, even better, they'll just watch it as it rolls right past their legs.
Sometimes the batter will take off after his own hit or will run to second base instead of first. Good way to hit a double! In football you'll see gang tackling, well, in T-Ball you'll see gang fielding. A batter may hit the ball right up the middle and the entire team will take off after it. Then, when the finally corral the ball, they don't have anyone at first base to throw it to. They don't seem to care though, the just look like they enjoy it completely. I know I sure did!