Call from the Barak Obama Campaign
Me: Hello
Caller: Mr. Brooks?
Me: Yes.
Caller: I'm calling from the Barak Obama for President Campaign. First, thank you for taking my call. We need your help. We need your help today to bring a change to America...
Me: (interrupting) Until those Democrats impeach that son-of-a-bitch who's in office, I'm not doin' anything for you. (hang up)
I sent an email to Nancy Pelosi last fall just after she said that "impeachment is off the table" that if they didn't impeach the President, I wouldn't have any more to do with them. Fortunately, I got the chance to tell someone else that. I know they don't give a shit, but I'll tell them anyway.
So, if any Democratic operatives happen to see this little note, I've been a Democrat all my voting life, but I'm finished with you guys if you don't have the balls to confront that bunch of war criminals in the White House. I don't think I'm alone.
it's a really interesting blog, nice pics and articles, so great, congratulations !!!
Impeach Bush? Have Cheney for President? Better impeach them both. Then, send congress home forever. Establish limited terms so future statesmen, who are not owned by anyone except the American public can run for office, serve their term, and come home.
Quite right, impeach them both! In fact, I really hope Bush doesn't keel over before his term ends. Cheney as incumbent? That might be a dream ticket for the Democrats, come to think of it. Nobody has lower approval number than Cheney. Hell, I think Osama bin Laden has higher approval numbers.
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