Thursday, February 16, 2006

Geneva Convention Contravention

Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld must think the Geneva Convention was a bunch of drunken salesmen meeting for a business convention. They must think that, because they say we are in full compliance with the Geneva Convention. If we're in compliance with it, it had to be bunch of drunks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Take That You Unbelievers!

A calf was born in southern Egypt within the past week that allegedly has the words "There is no God but God" spelled out on its hide. The calf is black with white markings. I can't read Arabic so I can neither confirm nor deny the Truth of the story. But, Egyptians say it's God's answer to the Muhammad cartoons. Well, just wait til we have a calf born in the West with "Muhammad Who?" on its hide.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I Have It on Good Authority

Tom and Katie are finished. Just watch the MSM for coming reports. My crocodile tears are flowing!
George W Got Left Out

Presidents and Prime Ministers of quite a few Western countries had a group photo taken yesterday in Pakistan. But, they left George W out! Now, don't tell me he doesn't belong. If he doesn't fit in with these guys, he doesn't fit in anywhere.
Paris Hilton As Mother Theresa

No, it's not my cold medication making me think that. It's true! Bollywood director T Rajeevnath is serious about it. He says he has contacted her about the project.