Monday, March 19, 2007

Chiquita Supports Terrorist Organization

Yep, Chiquita banana paid $1.7 million to the United Self-Defense Forces of Columbia which constitutes an extreme right wing paramilitary death-squad that is on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. Now, why would an American company support a terrorist organization? M-o-n-e-y. That's all there is to it. So, enjoy those bananas on your cereal, because Chiquita paid good money to make sure you could have an uninterrupted supply of them.
Only His Mother Showed Up

Amir Vehabovic from Bosnia decided to test his "friends" to see who he could really rely on. Well, like they say, be careful what you ask for. He printed a death announcement, faked a death certificate, and bribed undertakers to deliver a fake coffin to a fake funeral. He invited 45 people and only his mother showed up.