Friday, February 02, 2007

Goodbye Belle

Our dog, Belle, died today. She had been sick for a couple of weeks, and today was her last. We had taken her to the vet four times in the past two weeks, and they just couldn't get to the cause of her problem. We took her to the vet this morning so they could treat her based on what the latest test showed. She died while they were administering fluids and oxygen.

We went to the vet to say goodbye, and broke our hearts. You know, I've always said that dogs are better people than people - and that's still true. I miss her a lot.

I promise to keep your gentle spirit
And that special look in your eyes
I hope to stay the kind of person
That your soft acceptance made me be

Oh Belle, I have lost a piece of my heart to you
And I have completely broken in two
But, I give you that piece of my heart
Without demand or expectation
Because, you so freely gave me all of your heart
And that will always stay with me

Punxatawny Phil Says We'll Have an Early Spring

Well, tentatively that's good. Why tentatively? When spring comes early here in Texas, it means summer comes early too. And we know what summer means! So, an early spring has its downside. But, this year we have had a kinda long winter. Long for us has lasted more than two or three days in a row. I'd like to see a little warmer weather soon. So, right on P. Phil! At least for now.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well, the dogs, Sandy and Belle, aren't doing so well. Sandy is 16 years-old and Belle is 12. Sandy possibly has cancer, definitely has stones in her bladder, and has real trouble getting around. After her visit to the vet, she's taking some anti-inflammatories and is getting around better. But, her condition probably won't get any better.

Belle has some kind of liver trouble, immune system problems, and she still won't eat. In fact, she turns her nose up at most everything. I got enough down her tonight to give her the anti-biotic she's taking.

Neither dog is doing very well right now, but they're still hanging in there.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Going on a Fast

Yes, I'll be fasting starting today. Different kind of fast though. I'm going on a news fast. Yeah, I'm not going to check my regular 30 or so websites each day for news. I don't know if fast would be quite correct, I will still check about 2 websites, but not my regular. So, what am I going to do instead? Not sure, but it just seems like the thing to do right now. Don't know how long I'll stay on this fast either. Hmmm...let's say for seven days. Think I can do it?
Swedes Get Second Life Embassy

The Swedish government announced that they will establish an embassy in Second Life. They plan to buy an island in the virtual world, so that Swedish companies can purchase spots (lots?) to promote Sweden and Swedish products. Will Swedish Second Life also a social welfare structure, so that Swedes in Second Life can get health care and other subsidies? Wouldn't be Sweden without it.