Wednesday we went to see Dave Letterman tape a program for later that night. It was the day after Halloween, and I suppose was kind of a let down. Anyway, the guests were pretty lame, but Dave and Paul were their usual funny selves.
We had to be at the theater by 3:30 in order to pick up our tickets. There was a line forming already at 3:15, so we joined in. We got our tickets and said that the Goddess had a bad knee, so they gave us "pre-seating." What that meant we didn't know, but figured it was some advantage. The staff told us to come back at 4:20 to be pre-seated. We did, and they took us into the lobby of the theater and sat us on metal folding chairs. I reckon there were about 15 to 18 of us in the pre-seating. One of the guys in pre-seating looked just like Jack Valenti. I swear! But, I figured that if he really was Jack Valenti he wouldn't be waiting in the lobby of Dave's theater, he'd be a guest! Turns out that he wasn't Jack Valenti, but Ernest from Toronto.
They took us into the theater first and sat us near the exits. I guess they wanted to get the gimps out first if there was a fire, but I got to tell you that we would have just slowed everyone down. Oh well, we didn't have to evacuate.
Then they began seating everyone else. There was a couple up front on about the third row that were probably supposed to be on the show. One of the staff was prompting them about what would happen. I noticed they the interns and staff were hand selecting people to sit around the couple, and it kind of looked random until realized that they were selecting the "pretty people" to make up the background. The everyday folks just go ushered into the rows a little further away. Hey, it's TV what do you expect?
The show was okay, and it was fun to see how they do it. At every commercial, the producer or whatever she was would huddle with other folks around Dave's desk. The warm up man would start clapping so we'd know to start too, and that the break was over, but sometimes the huddle wouldn't break up. Then, he'd wave us off and wait some more. It was odd that they seem to be writing the show on the fly, but I guess that's what they were doing.
After Dave, we went to the Stardust restaurant in Times Square. That's a place where the waiters and waitresses sing as well as take your order. We sat at a table between two other tables that weren't even six inchec from our table. A little too close for folks from Texas, I mean, hell we're used to wide open spaces.