Suspicious SaudisTwo University of South Florida students from Saudi Arabia remain is jail after their arrest on Friday for
boarding a school bus without authorization. They got on the bus, took a seat, and began speaking Arabic. Students alerted the driver who was a substitute and didn't know that the two men weren't students. The driver called police, and the two men were arrested at the high school.
Now, get this, one of them was wearing a trenchcoat in 80F temperature in Tampa. Duh! What makes you suspicious of that? An Arab on a school bus in a Allah! When asked why they boarded the bus the two, who were questioned separately, gave more than one reason. First, they said they wanted to enroll in an easier English language class than the one at South Florida, then they said they wanted to see a high school, then they said they thought it would be fun.
I know why...They wanted to get some American pussy! Remember they come from a country where all the women wear black tents. No, they're not Al-Qaeda, they're Al-Cunta.