Saturday, January 20, 2007

Are You Just Making That Up?

Late at night in the shadows of hope and fear, the flounderer stumbles upon a beautiful myth. But, a myth to be believed, not laughed at.

Someone spoke about spooks that come late at night to stagger out from the dark corners of closets and stare. Yes, I agree they do, and I've seen them myself. Heart pounding and eyes wide open, raised on elbows I have started to flee, but never made it anywhere. Did he (it's always he) wear a black outfit or a white one? I always figured he'd choose black. So, why didn't he? Don't just stand there and scare me, go pester someone else. I have better dreams to dream than this shit! Back up and fall over the suitcase you son of a bitch. Fall all the way down to the scuffed brown shoes, and see what it feels like. Not very good, does it?

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