The Goddess had surgery on her fake knee this week. She had to have it "rebalanced." Whatever that means. Does that mean that she used to be "unbalanced." Best not go there.
The Goddess likes her room at the hospital to be cold, so I'm having to wear sweat pants and shirts to even survive the night. Here we are during the hottest month (we've had 13 out of the last 16 days over 100F, and the 3 days that weren't over 100 were all 99) and I'm wearing stuff we wear during the winter. BTW, yesterday was 104 which just happens to be 40C, and today is supposed to cool off to 103. The AC at the hospital works a little too well. She had the thermostat on 55 and the fan on hi. I almost froze to death the first night, because I wasn't prepared for the winter. Silly me, I thought it was summer. So, I wear shorts and T-shirts when I'm away from the hospital, and I have to change to winter clothes shortly after I get there.
Last night I sneaked the thermostat up to 60. But, I still had to wear the winter stuff.
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