No, it's also a Sinus Buster! You see, I'm still suffering from my sinus problems, but not near as much. I googled home remedies for sinusitis, and I found the Sinus Buster website. It uses the substance in the cayenne pepper called capsaicin in a metered nasal spray to shrink sinuses. Of course, the site has all kinds of testimonials. I ponied up my $20 or so, and got a spray bottle of it last week.
I won't lie, it burns. Oh yeah, it burns. But, it's not as bad as I expected it to be. Anyway, it really works! I have no trouble breathing at all any more. I still csn't smell or taste food, but I've come to like the loss of smell in certain situations. In fact, those situations are quite numerous. Even more frequent that I first thought.
Most people smell everything until they decide to hold their nose when something smells bad. What I'd like to do now is to change my default setting to no smell. But, to be able to smell when I specifically wanted to. Now, that's an idea for science!
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