Announcing the Nose Booster! Yes, all you do is place it on the bridge of your nose under your bifocals, and voilĂ you can comfortably read that computer screen through the lower part of your bifocals. And, it comes in a variety of colors too, so matching your frames is simple! Place your order in the comments section, and kiss your sore neck good-bye. Only $9.99! Order within the next 10 minutes and we'll throw in a second Nose Booster for only $4.99. Yes, you read that right, a second Nose Booster for half price! No more squinting and eye strain...order now!
Morey Stovall: "I don't see very well, so I wear glasses all the time. I'm over 50, so I wear bifocals. My job requires me read a lot on my computer. When I'm sitting in front it, I can't read the screen because the upper part of the bifocals make everything too blurry. The lower part is perfect, but I have to tilt my head back so much that it makes my neck hurt. Not anymore! Not now that I found the Nose Booster!"
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