Monday, April 03, 2006

Root Canal

Last Thursday night the Goddess began to have a toothache. Then on Friday morning the pain had become much worse. She called the dentist and went in to get it taken care of. The dentist said that she should take some antibiotics and come back in a week, then he could take appropriate steps.

Over the weekend the pain just continued to get worse. This morning she called the dentist's office again, and they referred her to an endodontist. Neither of us had heard that term before, but we figured it had something to do with a root canal. Well, it sure does. In fact, the endodontist that she saw does nothing but root canals. Probably not a bad living, but I don't think I'd like the reputation. I drove her to the appointment, because she was feeling so bad, and had taken so much pain medication.

She's still not feeling so good, but she is doing better.

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