Monday, February 17, 2003

Presidents' Day

Yes, today is a day to honor and remember past presidents. Mostly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but I think it's ok to remember the others too. Let's remember Millard Fillmore the president that started Fillmore West. Well, okay, maybe he didn't, but can you remember anything else he did? Let's remember Grover Cleveland a preacher's son who had a child out of wedlock. Oh yeah, Kennedy and Clinton weren't the first to sample the citizenry! Let's remember James Garfield who held the office less than four months when he was assassinated. How about the first Gay president who died of a heart attack while sticking it to his lover in the West Wing (if you know what I mean). Well, okay, that one hasn't happened yet (at least that we know of), but it's only a matter of time.

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